Friday, June 17, 2011

Colorado Day 3 Natalie arrives!

 The past few days have been SO MUCH FUN!

We started Wednesday by meeting Emily and her 5 children at CCAI for culture camp.  Natalie is doing culture camp with Catherin for 3 days. Emma is doing 5 days.

We got the girls settled at the camp, and talked to Xia, the charity director at CCAI. I am a HUGE fan of Xia's and all she does for children.  I hope to travel with her to China on one of her trips.

After that, it was off to the park with the other 4 children and Teagan. Let me say, Teagan has mad love for Emily's younger daughter Amy.

Teagan could not get enough of Amy. She is a SUPER big sister.

Seeing Noah again and meeting Emily and Jim's other children was a great way to kick off day.  here is Noah above. Precious!

After camp, we met Emma and family at the pool.

What more can I say about these girls? Happy happy happy.

After that, it was time for "happy hour" which for the girls meant, Shirley Temples, nachos, card games and nintendo.

Seriously, what else can you say?  It has been such an honor to spend time with Emma and Natalie. Catherine and Teagan are glowing.

Time for dinner - more Shirley Temples (Yep, Natalie's Mom must be Thrilled with my parenting::)

Then, time for movie night. This was Cat's first sleep over by the way. BIG BIG DEAL!


  1. you guys are THE BEST for taking natalie for 3 days!! she had a blast!!!!!!!! thanks for all the pictures (and memories) for her!

  2. So fun! I wish we were there!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. These are great! I so missed you guys! And thanks for the blog update...long over due my friend....and you were the one on me to keep my blog going after we came home. JK - facebook helps!

  4. Hi Michelle - I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I found it when doing a search for Angel Home. My husband and I are waiting to bring our son home from China - he, too, is at the Angel Home in Beijing. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you and couldn't find a way to email you via your blog. Could you email me if you have a chance? Thanks! Caryn
